Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Strong Woman vs. Woman of Strength

All of us are in a process.  I am in a process of becoming a Woman of Strength.  (Please be patient, God's not through with me yet.)

A strong woman isn't afraid of anything ...
but a woman of strength shows courage in the midst of her fear...

This began fairly recently.  I read one single sentence in a book, and it forever changed the way I want to be.  (If you want to read an amazing, thought-provoking book pick up a copy of Napoleon Hill's "Outwitting the Devil.")  About half way down page 143 I stopped, reread the same sentence over three more times... "Children are forced to take on the nature of all influences of those around them unless their own thoughts are stronger than the influences."  Wow!  Right?

To make a long story extremely short, I will just say this...

I want to raise strong, godly, loving, confident independent thinkers.  During my childhood (although there were many good lessons) I did not have a personal example of the wife/mother/person that I would like to be for my family.  I know strength, confidence, love, etc. need to be sown into our children.  That lead me to ask questions like:  How do I learn what to say to encourage them, without inflating their ego?  Strengthen them, without withholding the nurturing?  Help them, without damaging their sense of independence?  Or, correct them when needed... what battles do you choose?  

Simply, I want to be my very best for them.  Since I am blessed to be a stay-at-home mommie ('cause I prefer this spelling) I am the largest influence our children currently have.  I don't want to experiment on my babies.  I know as they get older they will choose their own way.  I just want them to be prepared to be world-changers, if that's what they desire.  Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."  I believe that has to start within the walls of your home.

I have been tremendously blessed in having relationships with women I consider "women of strength."  They are amazing examples of mothers, wives, and godly women.  So, I will continue to cultivate those relationships and others like them.  I will read, study, and pray... BUNCHES!  And... I will welcome the process of change, (although uncomfortable at times).

So ladies, here's to the journey!